Strange Jobs Before Stardom Trivia: Hollywood A-Listers With Odd Jobs Before Fame

We often treat movie actors and actresses as prominent people in society. And with their celebrity status, it’s quite hard to believe that at some point in their lives they were just like us working meager jobs like ordinary people.

Whether you’re currently working as a lawyer, teacher, waiter, or janitor, the superstars we’re going to feature here today have been through jobs similar as these or even weirder. And though it’s kind of hard to believe, but these were the professions they had before they were able to establish their names in Hollywood and be admired by fans all over the world.

So take time to read this post as we’ll tackle this topic about strange jobs before stardom trivia: Hollywood A-listers with odd jobs before fame.

Let’s get into it

Christopher Walken Once Worked As A Lion Tamer

Being effective at his villain roles, Christopher Walken was long considered as a great Hollywood A-lister even to this day. But long before he got his break as an actor, he wanted to earn a quick buck by being an assistant lion tamer in a circus.

According to him, he was assigned to tame Sheba while playing the role of the tamer’s son.

Hugh Jackman As A Clown

Can you imagine Wolverine doing party tricks, with his claws out and all? That could’ve been a very strange sight to see. But before Jackman entered showbiz and became popular because of his role as a wild, fast-healing mutant, he handled several day jobs like being a party clown with the red nose and makeup, a gas attendant, and a physical education teacher.

This is something unusual considering the kind of superstar he is today.

Johnny Depp As A Ballpen Salesman

The Pirates of the Caribbean franchise won’t be as popular if not for the naughty antics of Captain Jack Sparrow, as played by Depp. But before he became famous, Depp sold ball pens over the phone to make ends meet. According to the actor who also played Sweeney Told and John Dillinger, his marketing strategy was to promise customers an unbelievable price, which eventually caused him to leave this job because of guilt.

Gerald Butler As A Lawyer

Before he was known as King Leonidas and secret service agent Mike Banning on the silver screen, Butler practiced law in Edinburgh. He was a civil lawyer before entering show business, but unfortunately got fired because of drinking issues.

Good thing he decided to get his act right and reinvented himself into the great actor that we know him today.

Nicole Kidman As A Massage Therapist

When Kidman was 17 years old, she had to stop schooling and applied as a massage therapist after her mother was diagnosed with cancer. And with a stroke of luck, she found a path that led to Hollywood and became a successful actress with at least 84 movies under her belt.

Sylvester Stallone As A Pornstar

During the 1970’s, Sly had to act in a softcore porn film because he was so poor at that point in his life. And he even stated that his choices to earn money were either to do the porn flick or rob. Luckily, he made the “right choice” because this skin flick beginnings paved the way for him to become an iconic action star in the 80’s and early 90’s and a Hollywood action legend.

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