Keeping You In-Store and Outdoor Signage Attractive

Outdoor and in-store signage is important factors in getting customers inside your retail store. But have you stopped to look at your signage lately? Just like your merchandise, your signage should change regularly to keep customers coming back. Here are some tips to ensure that your different signage is in top shape and doing its best to communicate with customers and potential clients.

Maintenance is Key

Your permanent outdoor sign won’t change very often, but it’s important to make sure it looks fresh and up-to-date at all times. Burned out bulbs, flickering neon or peeling paint convey a bad impression. Make sure your sign is in tune and secured with the feel and the look of the area where your store is located.

Window signage, on the other hand, should change frequently, with new merchandise or seasons.

Useful In-store Signs

Inside the store, signage can serve the purpose of directing or explaining, like signs that tell customers where the dressing rooms are for instance, or signs announcing sales or hyping products can persuade them to look and buy. Purposeful signs need to be clear and easily understood. Persuasive signs can be more fun. Both types should be consistent with your brand in terms of fonts, colors, and design.

Blend it Up

Point of purchase signs, A-frame signs, standing signs, display signs and wall signs are all formats you can use throughout your store. You can even get creative with decals on the floor highlighting key sections of the shop. Something as simple as a doormat with a creative message or your business logo secured on it will attract attention while also serving a purpose.

Be Positive

Don’t use signs in your store bearing negative messages such as “Absolutely NO checks accepted” or “Cash only” and “All sales FINAL”. This will suggest that you have had some awful experiences with customers. Phrase your sign content positively, like “We cannot accept out-of-state checks. Thank you for understanding.”

Recognitions and Awards

They aren’t exactly signs, but framed articles about your business or awards you have won are another way to communicate with customers. They show that your store has a history, is part of the community and is respectable and trustworthy.

Grab Attention

Signs that make people stop and think, such as puns, plays on words or humor, are a great way to get shoppers to slow down. When someone pauses to read a sign and chuckle or share it with a friend, you’ve got a better chance of making the sale.

Strike a Balance

It’s important to find the right balance between too little and too much signage both inside and outside your store. Too much, and your store looks cluttered and overwhelming, customers won’t know where to look. Too little, and the store looks unwelcoming, as customers struggle with things like where to find items.

Portable signage, such as A-frame or chalkboard signs, is a great way to attract passersby to your store. Get creative with your sign. An eclectic clothing boutique can use a chalkboard with pastel, hand-drawn lettering. A children’s bookstore or toy shop can use a magnetic board spelling out words in colorful alphabet magnets, or a felt board with stick-on felt lettering.
