GoPro Biking Tips For Road And Mountain Bikers

Are you an avid biker who is looking for some GoPro biking tips for road and mountain bikers? You can capture the awesome sights and spectacular views while mountain biking, and re-live the whole experience all over again by viewing back over your footage with your new camera. And if you’re road biking then it’s the perfect opportunity to utilize your GoPro camera and capture some incredible cycling footage, which is blissfully professional and smooth.

Read more as we’ll tackle the tips that you need to follow to capture amazing cycling footage in today’s post.

1. Utilize Different Mounts As Much As Possible – Whenever you’re cycling, you have to take videos from different angles to capture the essence of the action. And this can be possible if you’re going to use various GoPro mounts during your biking adventure.

Every part of your journey tells a different story, and you want to “tell” this story from different angles to make your footage more interesting. GoPro mounts like the head mount, chest mount, handlebar, and seatpost mounts provide all the perspective you need to narrate your story in a unique way.

2. Mount The GoPro Camera To An Upside Down Position When Attached To A Chest Mount – The chest mount provides the classic viewpoint of taking video footage. But sometimes attaching your GoPro to this part of your body will often result in accidental crotch shots as you lean forward while biking.

So to avoid this, we suggest you attach your GoPro upside down. Just don’t forget to adjust the camera’s orientation settings before you begin recording, or you can also flip it after during video editing.

3. Always Bring Some Company – Going on a biking tour is always recommended for safety purposes but also for taking shots that can’t be done on your own. And this can be helpful especially when you’re conquering tricky trails since it gives you a lot of filming options.

Instead of using mounts on your own, you and your friend can take turns in capturing and filming footage from different angles. The result of your recordings will look more impressive and professional.

4. Use Stabilizing Accessories – Ideally, you’ll want to capture butter smooth and stable shots as possible. But the reality is cycling trails are often filled with bumps and uneven paths. So shaking will definitely be an issue.

Good thing there are many types of GoPro accessories that you can use to battle shaking. And always remember, GoPro cameras, especially the later models, have advanced features to maintain image stabilization whenever taking footage.

With a little help from accessories and the right configuration of image settings, you can take smooth videos even if you’re trailing the bumpiest cycling routes.

5. Don’t Forget To Bring Zip Ties And Duct Tape – Even if you have a lot of mounting options to try out for your GoPro camera, having zip ties and duct tape may always come in handy in times when you forget the camera screws or attaching the GoPro device in places where the mounts can’t be attached. So make sure to bring these things on your next biking trip.

Check out CamDo’s website if you’re looking for a place to buy GoPro packages like their construction time-lapse packs.
